Highly Capable Program

"Enriching the Potential within Every Student"

Inchelium School District No. 70 established guidelines for identifying students eligible for accelerated learning. The district defines highly capable students as:

Highly capable students are those students who perform or show potential for performing at significantly advanced academic levels when compared with other students their age, experiences, and environments. Students may display the capability of high performance in any of these areas:

  • General intellectual ability

  • Specific academic aptitude

  • Creative or productive thinking

Formal screening of students occurs at the start of the following grades: K-2, 6, & 9. Identification guidelines provide the opportunity for a student to be referred for consideration in the Highly Capable Program. Anyone interested in making a referral should request anomination form from the district website or school office. This input will be reviewed along with information from other sources, such as standardized achievement and aptitude tests, parent questionnaire, teacher observations, classroom performance and student work samples.

A multi-disciplinary selection committee reviews nominations and screening data. The committee will then recommend additional assessments to determine eligibility based on a preponderance of evidence and notify parents for acceleration services through the Highly Capable Program. Parents will be informed of the review committee's decision generally within a one-month period after all student data is assembled.

Questions may be directed to:

Brian Freeman
Superintendent/Highly Capable Coordinator
PO Box 285

Referral Form